
Returns the accessories to a given part. An accessory is another part node that is connected together with a part node by a particular Edge Type.

GET api/Accessories/{id}

Gets all of the accessory nodes for a given node

Retrieves the breadcrumb for the given node. This looks up a given node ID and returns a single list of parents between that node and the root node. Note that in some cases, a part node may exist within multiple headings. This method returns only a single route. To retrieve all of the routes for a part, see the NodeParentsTree method

GET api/Breadcrumb/{id}

Gets the list of parent nodes for the given node between this and root node, in order of ancestry.

Retrieves the breadcrumb for the given node, but ignores specific headings that have been flagged as 'separator' headings. This functions identically to the Breadcrumb method, but will skip out certain headings in between the given node and the root node. This is intended for use in showing a limited display, and will not reflect the full entry structure.

GET api/BreadcrumbWithoutSeparators/{id}

Gets the list of parent nodes for the given node between this and root node, in order of ancestry, omitting specific headings marked as 'separators'.

GET api/BreadcrumbWithoutSeparators/{id}?manufacturerNodeId={manufacturerNodeId}

Gets the list of parent nodes for the given node between this and root node, in order of ancestry, omitting specific headings marked as 'separators'. This also filters the route to only include parent nodes for a specific manufacturer. This is useful in cases where parts exist in multiple manufacturers within the same brand.


Returns the components for a given part. A component is another part node that is connected together with a part node by a particular Edge Type.

GET api/Components/{id}

Gets all of the component nodes for a given node


A part may have any number of attributes, but only certain attributes are intended to appear on a publically visible datasheet. The datasheet attributes are also intended to be seen within certain groups and in a certain order. This method retrieves those groups and the attributes within them, for a given part.

GET api/Datasheets/{id}

Gets the Node Attribute Groups associated with the Datasheets and the values of attributes within those groups associated for a specific part

GET api/Datasheets?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&partNumber={partNumber}

Gets the Node Attribute Groups associated with the Datasheets and the values of attributes within those groups associated for a specific part


Generates a PDF datasheet for a particular part

GET api/DatasheetsPdf/{id}?languageCode={languageCode}

Generates a PDF datasheet for a particular part, uploads to storage and returns the URL for the datasheet.

GET api/DatasheetsPdf?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&partNumber={partNumber}&languageCode={languageCode}

Generates a PDF datasheet for a particular part, uploads to storage and returns the URL for the datasheet.

GET api/DatasheetsPdf?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&partNumber={partNumber}&returnPdf={returnPdf}&languageCode={languageCode}

Generates a PDF datasheet for a particular part, uploads to storage and returns the datasheet.


Retrieves distinct node attribute values

GET api/DistinctValues?attributeTitle={attributeTitle}

Get all the distinct values of an attribute title

GET api/DistinctValues/{id}

Gets all the distinct values of an attribute title


Retrieves the list of file downloads associated with a particular part. This is structurally similar to the Datasheets method, as file downloads may be grouped together in various groups.

GET api/FileDownloads/{id}

Gets the file downloads associated with a given part


Returns the fixings for a given part. A fixing is another part node that is connected together with a part node by a particular Edge Type.

GET api/Fixings/{id}

Gets all of the fixing nodes for a given node


Retrieves a specific node

GET api/Node/{id}

Gets the Node with the specific ID


Certain attributes may be grouped into attribute groups. This returns those attribute groups.

GET api/NodeAttributeGroups?groupTitle={groupTitle}

Returns a list of node attribute groups, for a specific group title. Leave the argument blank to return all node attribute groups.

GET api/NodeAttributeGroups

Returns all the attribute groups


Attribute Groups can be grouped together in Master Groups. This returns the groups within a particular master group.

GET api/NodeAttributeGroupsInMasterGroup?masterGroupId={masterGroupId}

Gets the attribute groups within a specific master group


Attribute Groups can be themselves be grouped together to form Master Groups

GET api/NodeAttributeMasterGroups?masterGroupTitle={masterGroupTitle}

Gets the master groups with a specific master group title

GET api/NodeAttributeMasterGroups

Gets all the master groups

GET api/NodeAttributeMasterGroups?nodeId={nodeId}&masterGroupId={masterGroupId}

Gets all of the attribute values for a node, filtering those attributes by the groups within the given master group


A node may have any number of attributes associated with it. These attributes include things like the product description, trade price, product image, or technical data about the node.

GET api/NodeAttributes/{id}

Gets the list of node attributes associated with that node

POST api/NodeAttributes

Gets the list of node attributes associated with the provided list of node ids


Node Attribute Titles may be grouped together in attribute groups.

GET api/NodeAttributeTitlesInGroup?groupId={groupId}

Retrieves the attribute titles within a particular group


Node Attribute Titles may be grouped together in attribute groups.

GET api/NodeAttributeTitlesInMasterGroup?masterGroupId={masterGroupId}

Retrieves the attribute titles within a particular master group


Retrieves the children of a particular node.

GET api/NodeChildren/{id}?allNodes={allNodes}

Gets the list of immediate children of the specified node


Retrieves the immediate parents of a node

GET api/NodeParents/{id}

Gets the list of immediate parents of the specified node


Retrieves all the parents of a node in a list of all possible parent nodes. A node may have multiple parents, and this gives the list of all possible paths between the given node and the root node. The list of parents is in order of ancestry.

GET api/NodeParentsList/{id}

Gets all the parents for this node


Retrieves an entire tree of parents connected to a particular node

GET api/NodeParentsTree/{id}

Gets the node with its full tree of parents


Retrieves all nodes of a particular Node Type

GET api/NodeType/{nodeType}

Retrieves all nodes matching specific Node Type.


API for retrieving the NodeType keys and values. This may be useful in conjunction with other methods, such as the SearchNodes method that can filter based on Node Type.

GET api/NodeTypes

Retrieves all of the allowed NodeType parameters, with the key and the value.


Retrieves part nodes, nodes with a specific NodeType

GET api/PartNodes?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&skip={skip}&take={take}

Retrieves all part nodes within a particular brand

GET api/PartNodes?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&attributeTitleId={attributeTitleId}&skip={skip}&take={take}

Retrieves all part nodes within a particular brand that have a particular attribute title

GET api/PartNodes?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&attributeTitleId={attributeTitleId}

Retrieves all part nodes within a particular brand that have a particular attribute title

GET api/PartNodes?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&attributeTitleId={attributeTitleId}&count={count}

Counts the number of part nodes within a particular brand with a particular attribute title


The typical indexing structure for an entry is of the form 'Heading Node A -> Heading Node B -> Heading Node C -> Part Nodes'. This method will return the parts that are connected to 'Heading A' irrespective of B and C.

GET api/PartNodesWithinIndex/{id}?includeVariations={includeVariations}

Returns all part nodes that are connected to the node with a specific ID

GET api/PartNodesWithinIndex/{id}

Returns all part nodes that are connected to the node with a specific ID

GET api/PartNodesWithinIndex/{id}?page={page}&pageLimit={pageLimit}

Returns all part nodes that are connected to the node with a specific ID with pagination options

GET api/PartNodesWithinIndex/{id}?attributeTitleId={attributeTitleId}

Returns all part nodes that are connected to the node with a specific ID filtered by those that have a specific attribute title


The typical indexing structure for an entry is of the form 'Heading Node A -> Heading Node B -> Heading Node C -> Part Nodes'. This method will count the number of parts that are connected to 'Heading A' irrespective of B and C.

GET api/PartNodesWithinIndexCount/{id}

Gets the total number of part nodes that are connected to an arbitrary index


Finds all parts modified since a particular date

GET api/PartsModified?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&fromDate={fromDate}

Gets all parts modified since a particular date. This checks the DateModified property on the parts themselves and also the DateModified of any attributes.

This API method is responsible for searching the Electrika data. Certain pre-defined fields are indexed (usually the 'Description' and 'Text1' fields), and the search will return the parts matching those fields. The part number itself, and also the manufacturer name are indexed also - so searching for 'Legrand' will return all Legrand parts.

GET api/Search?searchTerm={searchTerm}&hitLimit={hitLimit}&page={page}

Search all parts across all brand nodes.

GET api/Search?searchTerm={searchTerm}&brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&hitLimit={hitLimit}&page={page}

Search parts within a specific brand

GET api/Search?searchTerm={searchTerm}&brandNodeId={brandNodeId}

Search parts within a specific brand. Returns top 50 most relevant results.

GET api/Search?searchTerm={searchTerm}

Search parts across all brands. Returns top 50 most relevant results.

POST api/Search

Retrieves a list of list of nodes with below the given heading node that fufil the parameter attributes given


GET api/SearchByFacet?searchTerm={searchTerm}

No documentation available.


GET api/SearchHits?searchTerm={searchTerm}&brandNodeId={brandNodeId}

No documentation available.

GET api/SearchHits?searchTerm={searchTerm}

No documentation available.


API methods for searching the list of nodes, to return parts or headings that match the specified search criteria

GET api/SearchNodes?name={name}&nodeType={nodeType}&brandNode={brandNode}&exactMatch={exactMatch}

Retrieves a list of list of nodes with a name that matches the search string within the given brand node.


Nodes can have various different NodeTypes. This looks specifically for nodes with NodeType 'Heading' and finds all the unique node names for those nodes.

GET api/UniqueHeadings?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}

Gets all the unique heading names within a particular brand

GET api/UniqueHeadings?brandNodeId={brandNodeId}&headingName={headingName}

Gets all of the heading nodes within a particular brand that have a particular heading name


GET api/unique/nodeattributetitles

Gets a list of all the possible unique Node Attribute Titles across all Node Attributes